Sunday, July 26, 2009


I don’t get many chances to photograph little children, so I met up with an old student of mine and was able to play around with her kids! Yeah! Loretta’s was the first wedding that I ever photographed as well.

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On Friday, I got the chance to do my first 2010 senior guy! The weather was overcast and we thought we were going to get rained on. It held off until close to the end, so we wrapped up a bit early because we thought we might melt if we got wet. :) Here is a quick preview of Jacob’s pictures.


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And on my way home, I had to stop on the side of the highway and take this picture. The sun rays were coming through the clouds and it was amazing.


Tuesday, July 7, 2009


We ended up with great weather after thinking it might rain on us. A little windy, but nice out. Not too hot or too cold. Morgan had some great outfits and a great location! I can’t wait to start editing all of our wonderful shots. Here is a quick preview.

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Thursday, July 2, 2009

Peetz Graduation

I have finally uploaded the Peetz Graduate's photos from the morning we went and did pictures in their caps and gowns and also from graduation day. Here are the links.

Cap and Gowns Day - Each year I try and get the seniors all together before graduation to go outside and take a group photo for their hallway composite as well as some pics for their programs and slideshow. Here are the images we did the week before they all graduated. They are fun.
Peetz 2009 Graduation - I will miss these seniors. They are all going so many different directions and we have high expectations of them!